
“Co-operative multiplayer done right.” – Eurogamer
“Proven shooter mechanics and a real sense of fun.” – Wired
\”A generous wodge of the most enjoyable kind of schlock horror shooting on PC.\” – PC Games N

The cult horror shooter series comes to an apocalyptic conclusion with an epic new third chapter, a heart-pumping new horde mode, and remastered editions of the best-selling Nazi Zombie Army 1 & 2.

In the dying flames of World War II, Hitler has unleashed one final, unholy gamble – a legion of undead super soldiers that threatens to overwhelm the whole of Europe. Fight alone or team up to save humanity from the zombie menace in this apocalyptic third-person shooter!

Battle through THREE epic campaigns across 15 demon-infested missions. Play solo or fight back to back in online co-op for 2-4 players. Dare you take on one of the most intense and challenging third-person shooters in gaming?

Face gruesome enemies with iconic weaponry and powerful explosives. Dismember the undead to give yourself a fighting chance, and experience every putrid lung burst, every rotten bone shatter with the infamous X-ray Kill Camera.

The ultimate horror package – alone or with teammates

  • Experience THREE nerve-shredding campaigns across FIFTEEN missions of intense third-person action.
  • Take the fight to the undead alone, or team up in 2-4 player online co-op.
  • Face your fears in the brutal new Horde Mode for 1-4 players, across 5 blood-curdling maps.
    Gut-wrenching gunplay
  • Defeat harrowing legions of zombies, armoured skeletons, fire demons, chainsaw-wielding elites – and worse – before facing the demonic Führer himself!
  • Shred the undead with genre-best rifle ballistics, powerful firearms and deadly explosive traps.
  • Wince as your bullets shred the insides of the undead in gruesome detail with the return of the series’ acclaimed X-ray Kill Camera.
    Customise your carnage
  • Choose from 16 playable characters, including all 8 survivors from Left 4 Dead 1 & 2!
  • Perfect your play style with CUSTOMISABLE loadouts – pick your favourite weapons and explosives.
  • Customise your DIFFICULTY and add enemy multipliers. Surely you would never brave “X4” on Sniper Elite difficulty … or would you?
    Recut. Remastered. Unleashed.
  • Includes the first two Nazi Zombie Army games like you’ve never seen them before.
  • Pick apart zombies with the new DISMEMBERMENT mechanic and bathe in a bloody glow of NEW graphical effects, NEW audio, NEW enemy animations … and more.
  • Play your favourite missions from ANY campaign in ANY order in ONE unified online community.

    • 操作系统 *: Microsoft® Windows® Vista (Service Pack 2) or Windows® 7 or Windows® 8. Windows® XP is NOT supported.
    • 处理器: Dual-core CPU with SSE3 (Intel® Pentium® D 3GHz / AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 4200) or better
    • 内存: 2 GB RAM
    • 显卡: Microsoft® DirectX® 10.0 compatible graphics card with 512 MB of memory (ATI Radeon™ HD 5870) or better
    • DirectX 版本: 11
    • 存储空间: 需要 15 GB 可用空间
    • 声卡: Microsoft® DirectX® 10.0 compatible sound card or better
    • 附注事项: Windows® XP is NOT supported. Ensure graphics and audio drivers are up to date.
    • * 2024 年 1 月 1 日(PT)起,Steam 客户端将仅支持 Windows 10 及更新版本。


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