
Mini Countries is a level-based strategy/puzzle game where a resource transport network must be built for a country.

Each level stands for a country that has different resources and characteristics. An ever increasing number of cities requires skill and good planning to meet the global request of resources for all cities. Upgrade cities and industries to provide better materials to your more demanding inhabitants.

With update 1.3 there also comes a second campaign. In Africa there are 8 new levels with 18 more resources. Additional content (storage & industry upgrade, day-/night cycle and more events) is also available.

  • Build trade buildings to produce resources in your country
  • Make sufficient storage buildings available
  • Transport resources from storage buildings to demanding cities
  • Choose new items each month to bring your country forward
  • Plan your resource production according to different seasons
  • Upgrade resources by constructing industry buildings
  • Import resources which are not produced in your country
  • Export resources to generate knowledge
  • Integrate famous landmarks into your country
  • Decide on one branch for the development of your cities: Workers’ cities allow trade and industry buildings to produce resources faster and science cities improve the growth rate and thus the generation of further knowledge points

    As a player, it is your task to deliver resources to demanding cities. Create a transport network by making connections between buildings to make transport possible. As the game progresses, you can upgrade cities and give them a focus. A workers’ city has the advantage that connected trade and industry buildings produce resources faster, whereas a science city – as the name may suggest – generates new knowledge.

    Not every resource can be produced in every season but cities demand resources continuously. For this reason, it is important to always produce and store enough resources so that every city can be supplied with all the demanding resources at any time.

    The first version has the europe campaign with 14 levels and more than 30 resources. New campaigns or expansions will be created regularly and are available for all Mini Countries players.

    Mini Countries is inspired by games like Mini Metro and Anno 1800.

    • 操作系统 *: Microsoft Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10
    • 处理器: Intel 2 GHz Core 2 Duo or equivalent
    • 内存: 512 MB RAM
    • 显卡: 512 MB Video Memory, OpenGL 2
    • DirectX 版本: 10
    • 存储空间: 需要 400 MB 可用空间
    • 推荐配置:
    • 操作系统 *: Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/10
    • 处理器: Intel 3 GHz Core 2 Duo or equivalent
    • 内存: 2048 MB RAM
    • 显卡: 2048 MB Video Memory, OpenGL 2
    • 存储空间: 需要 400 MB 可用空间
    • * 2024 年 1 月 1 日(PT)起,Steam 客户端将仅支持 Windows 10 及更新版本。


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